A Conversation with Kenn Jordan

# [](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=0) Introduction

The host introduces the show and welcomes the audience.

## Welcoming the Audience

– The show is not simulcast on LinkedIn, only on YouTube.
– The radio listeners will return soon.
– The host greets everyone who is listening and watching.

# [01:16](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=76) Episode 101 of Conversations with Tony Mobley

The host introduces Mr. Kenn Jordan, CEO of ElmsPark Consultants, as his guest for episode 101 of Conversations with Tony Mobley.

## Introducing Mr. Kenn Jordan

– Mr. Kenn Jordan is the CEO of Elms Park Consultants.
– This is episode 101 of Conversations with Tony Mobley.
– The show will continue but will be tweaked and redefined in the future.
– Viewers can participate in an interactive chat called Mukana at conversationwithtonymobley.com.

# [02:49](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=169) Getting Started with Mr. Kenn Jordan

The host starts a conversation with Mr. Kenn Jordan about his location and mobile setup.

## Location and Mobile Setup

– Mr. Kenn Jordan is presently in the south of France, near Spain, in his RV or motorhome.
– He has been there for five weeks and plans to stay until July 20th.
– His mobile setup includes a PR 40 microphone, mixed prefix too, item mini pro extreme back studio in Surrey, M1 MacBook laptop and desktop, a 30-inch monitor, Blackmagic 6K Pro camera, various aperture lights controlled from his phone, and Starlink internet connection which made this possible.

# [07:30](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=450) Who Is Kenn Jordan?

Mr. Kenn Jordan talks about himself and his passions.

## Introduction

– Mr. Kenn Jordan is introverted and shy but loves helping others achieve their goals, especially in technology.
– He is passionate about photography, cycling, and tech.
– His mobile setup reflects his love for tech.

# [08:27](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=507) Website Design and Maintenance

Dr. Chris Clark asks Mr. Kenn Jordan how website design and maintenance have changed over time.

## Changes in Website Design and Maintenance

– Dr. Chris Clark asks how website design and maintenance have changed since Mr. Kenn Jordan’s first work in the field.
– Mr. Kenn Jordan says there has been a massive change in the field.

# [09:23](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=563) The Importance of Website Speed and Attention Spans

In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of website speed and attention spans in website development.

## Key Points:

– [09:23](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=563) Majority of audience comes from desktop, so it’s critical that websites load as fast as possible.
– [09:47](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=587) People’s attention spans are shorter than before, so it’s important to deliver content immediately or risk losing them.
– [10:14](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=614) Chat GPT and text-to-image services like mid-journey or leonardo.ai have transformed the way websites are created and delivered.
– [10:48](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=648) AI has been trained to build websites using a particular framework called Thesis Focus in WordPress PHP.
– [11:15](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=675) This has allowed for more time to be creative with image generation through chat GPT prompts and text-to-image AI.

# [12:14](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=734) Getting Traffic Through Social Channels

In this section, the speaker talks about how social channels are critical for getting traffic to a website.

## Key Points:

– [12:14](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=734) Thumbnail images are now critical for promoting areas on clients’ websites through social channels like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
– [12:40](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=760) Creating captivating thumbnail images is just as important as building a great website because relevant traffic is needed to get people there.
– [13:03](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=783) Without promotion through social media channels, even the greatest website won’t get much traffic.

# [13:29](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=809) Family Support in Business

In this section, the speaker talks about how his family has shaped who he is in business.

## Key Points:

– [13:40](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=820) The speaker’s wife has been the biggest support in his business.
– [14:12](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=852) The speaker’s two younger brothers have also been great supports, with one being a soundboard and the other being a true entrepreneur.

# [15:28](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=928) Global Webmaster

In this section, the speaker discusses his role as part of the Office Hours community.

## Key Points:

– [15:56](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=956) The title “global webmaster” is inaccurate in the speaker’s opinion because what he does is more about solving business problems and coming up with ideas to improve businesses.
# [16:53](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1013) Passion Projects and ADHD

In this section, the speaker talks about his passion projects and how he discovered that he has ADHD. He also discusses how ADHD affects his work and communication.

## Passion Projects

– The speaker is passionate about working on projects for people who cannot afford their services.
– These passion projects are different from their regular work.
– Examples of these passion projects include work done for individuals in the office hours community.

## Discovering ADHD

– The speaker did not know that he had ADHD until his partner pointed it out to him.
– At first, he thought that ADHD was just an excuse for laziness.
– However, after reading a story by someone with ADHD, he realized that many of the things described in the story were similar to what he experienced.

## Effects of ADHD on Work and Communication

– The speaker has a tendency to get bored quickly and change jobs frequently due to his ADHD.
– Communicating back can be challenging for him, especially when it comes to writing messages or emails.
– Chat GPT has helped him compose messages more easily.
# [24:39](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1479) Online Test for ADHD

Ken talks about an online test that can be taken for free to determine if someone has ADHD. He mentions that he built a website for his ADHD coach and developed a better form than the PDF document normally used.

## Online Test for ADHD

– An online test is available for free to determine if someone has ADHD. [25:06](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1506)
– The test provides a good indication of whether or not someone has ADHD.
– After taking the test, one can take the next steps of getting coaching and support to move forward.

# [25:29](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1529) Recognizing ADHD as a Gift

Ken discusses how he sees his ADHD as a gift rather than a stigma. He mentions that it is becoming more recognized and accepted in society, and some people even consider it a superpower.

## Seeing ADHD as a Gift

– Ken sees his ADHD as a gift rather than a stigma. [25:58](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1558)
– He believes that many people in the community also see it as a superpower.
– It is becoming more recognized and accepted in society.

# [26:22](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1582) Struggles with Communication

Ken talks about how communication is one of the Kryptonite parts of his ADHD, but chat GPT has helped him overcome this struggle. He also mentions wanting to be more open about his struggles with others in the community.

## Struggles with Communication

– Communication is one of the Kryptonite parts of Ken’s ADHD. [27:07](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1627)
– Chat GPT has helped him overcome this struggle.
– Ken wants to be more open about his struggles with others in the community.

# [27:37](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1657) Support from Tony Mobley

Tony Mobley has been there for Ken through the darkest parts of his struggles with ADHD. Ken sees Tony as a close friend and role model, and he appreciates the support he has received from him.

## Support from Tony Mobley

– Tony Mobley has been there for Ken through the darkest parts of his struggles with ADHD. [31:06](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1866)
– Ken sees Tony as a close friend and role model.
– He appreciates the support he has received from him.

# [30:08](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1808) Appreciation for Office Hours Community

Ken expresses his appreciation for the Office Hours community and how it has helped him grow and overcome his struggles with ADHD. He also mentions how impressed he is by Tony’s ability to produce a show regularly.

## Appreciation for Office Hours Community

– Ken expresses his appreciation for the Office Hours community and how it has helped him grow. [31:45](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1905)
– He is impressed by Tony’s ability to produce a show regularly.
– The community has helped him overcome his struggles with ADHD.
# [32:52](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1972) Opening Up About Recovery

In this section, the speaker talks about how important it is to have someone to talk to openly and freely. He mentions that being on the 100th show was a big step for him in his recovery and thanks Tony Mobley for his support.

## Recovery and Support

– The speaker emphasizes the importance of having someone to talk to openly and freely.
– Being on the 100th show was a big step for him in his recovery.
– Tony Mobley has been there for him and helped him through his recovery.
– The speaker expresses gratitude towards Tony Mobley for his support. [33:19](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=1999)

# [34:47](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2087) Cybersecurity Considerations in Website Design

In this section, the speaker discusses how cybersecurity considerations shape website design. He explains that they are one of the first things they design into sites they build, and that they build their sites from the ground up with security in mind.

## Cybersecurity in Website Design

– Cybersecurity considerations are one of the first things designed into sites built by the speaker’s company.
– Sites are built from the ground up with security in mind.
– AI is making cybersecurity more sophisticated, but it also presents a challenge that keeps things interesting for those involved in website design. [35:20](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2120)

# [37:04](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2224) Photography Today

In this section, the speaker talks about photography today and how it has changed over time due to advancements in technology such as AI. He also shares some personal experiences related to photography.

## Photography Today

– The speaker used to run an agency called Pix Bay which consisted of London-based photographers who specialized in event photography.
– AI has taken over professional photography work previously done by agencies like Pix Bay.
– Despite these changes, the speaker still enjoys taking photographs and uses them to capture memories of his travels.
– The speaker shares a video of the sunrise over the sea, which he finds particularly beautiful. [37:38](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2258)
# [40:29](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2429) Photography and Technology

In this section, the speaker talks about his experience with photography and how technology has changed it.

## Using iPhone for Photography

– The speaker prefers using his iPhone for photography because of its convenience.
– He can adjust the camera settings to suit the lighting conditions.
– He is excited about getting the new Vision Max as it will allow him to have a multi-screen setup and a bigger screen for entertainment.

# [43:14](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2594) From PC to Mac

In this section, the speaker talks about his transition from being a PC person to becoming an Apple fanboy.

## Transitioning from PC to Mac

– The speaker used to be a PC person but became an Apple fanboy after he started using Macs for work.
– He was impressed by how easy it was to use and how it allowed him to focus on creativity rather than worrying about tech issues.

# [44:56](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2696) Inspirations and Community

In this section, the speaker talks about things that inspire him and the importance of community.

## Office Hours Community

– The Office Hours community was one of the biggest inspirations for the speaker.
– Being part of a like-minded community was uplifting and inspiring.
– The sense of family within the community was something that he missed when he stepped away but is happy to be back.
# [48:07](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2887) How Office Hours Websites Changed Web Design

In this section, the speaker talks about how Laura Thompson changed their business by introducing accessibility to web design.

## Laura’s Impact on Web Design

– [48:20](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2900) The theme chosen for the website does accessibility really well compared to any other WordPress theme.
– [48:46](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2926) Laura showed the speaker how she sees websites and what she hears when she looks at them. This made the speaker realize that they needed to up their game in terms of accessibility.
– [49:13](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=2953) The speaker challenged themselves to make their website the most accessible one there is, and they succeeded. Their website scored higher than even the IBM accessibility website.
– [50:33](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3033) Laura will be leading a conversation around accessibilities on Saturdays starting June 17th.

# [52:24](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3144) Powering an RV with Shore Power and Solar

In this section, the speaker talks about how they power their RV using a combination of shore power and solar energy.

## Powering an RV

– [52:47](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3167) The speaker uses a very big Eco flow battery pack from a Chinese company called Eco Flow. They have extra solar panels for it as well.
– [53:10](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3190) Everything in the RV runs through the battery, so if they lose shore power, everything can still charge from the battery. They can survive indefinitely because of this setup.
– [53:32](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3212) They have enough solar energy to keep the battery topped up even without shore power for three days.

# [54:06](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3246) Past Successes in Campaign Management

In this section, the speaker talks about past successes in campaign management.

## Past Successes

– [54:36](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3276) The speaker helped a company grow their audience from 50,000 to a million in 18 months. They ran a campaign with Anya Heinmarsh to replace plastic bags with high-end handbags.
– [55:03](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3303) The speaker sold the handbags for the company and they were very successful.
# [55:49](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3349) Updating a Website

In this section, the speaker talks about updating a website called “It’s Rainmaking Time” run by Kim Greenhouse. The website had issues and needed to be moved to a more stable platform.

## Passion Project

– [56:07](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3367) The speaker took on the project as a passion project.
– [56:36](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3396) They used their favorite theme, Thesis Focus, to move the website to a more stable platform.
– [57:04](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3424) The website was being attacked and would have been gone if not for the update.
– [57:30](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3450) The client was grateful for the work done.

# [58:33](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3513) Future Plans

In this section, the speaker talks about their future plans which include cycling and running web labs about AI.

## Cycling

– [58:04](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3484) The speaker plans on doing ultra-cycling events such as ordax events that are 500 kilometers long or even bigger ones like Paris to breast and back which is 1400 kilometers long.

## Running Web Labs About AI

– [59:18](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3558) The speaker wants to run web labs about how AI can help enhance websites and SEO. They believe that chat GPT is better than any SEO expert and can help with search engine optimization.
– [01:00:07](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3607) Once they have completed their commitments to Richard and Greg, they plan on running these web labs.

# [01:00:16](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3616) Divisiveness in Society

In this section, the speaker talks about divisiveness in society and how people should be more respectful of others’ opinions.

## Shades of Gray

– [01:00:43](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3643) The speaker believes that everything is not black or white and there are many shades of gray in between.
– [01:01:06](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3666) People should be more respectful of others’ opinions even if they don’t agree with them. They should listen to other people’s point of views and be respectful in their disagreements.

## Office Hours Community

– [01:01:30](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3690) The speaker praises the office hours community for being a great example of how people can be different but still share their love of helping others.
– [01:01:54](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3714) They encourage people to join the office hours community at officehours.global.
# [01:03:34](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3814) Conversation with Tony Mobley

In this section, the speaker thanks Mr. Taylor Thunderhouse and his team for their support of “Conversation with Tony Mobley”. The speaker also expresses gratitude to Mr. Kenn Jordan for being a part of the conversation and announces that the show will return next week on June 14th with Mr. Mike Edwards.

## Thank You Message

– The speaker thanks Mr. Taylor Thunderhouse and his team for their support of “Conversation with Tony Mobley”. [01:03:34](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3814)
– The speaker expresses gratitude to Mr. Kenn Jordan for being a part of the conversation. [01:03:57](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3837)

## Upcoming Episode

– The show will return next week on June 14th with Mr. Mike Edwards, who will talk about health and houses of faith. [01:04:27](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3867)

## Show Update

– “Conversation with Tony Mobley” is a working lab, and there will be some new exciting innovations and changes coming soon. Stay tuned! [01:04:52](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3892)

## Call to Action

– The speaker asks viewers to like and subscribe on YouTube as well as register on “Conversation with Tony Mosley”. [01:04:52](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3892)
– The speaker ends by asking viewers to take care, God bless, and see you soon! [01:05:14](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3914)

# [01:05:40](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3940) Conclusion

This section includes music playing in the background followed by applause.

## Music

– Music plays in the background.[01:05:40](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3940)

## Applause

– Applause follows after the music stops playing.[01:05:48](https://youtu.be/zAl3urGph3c?t=3948)

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