A Conversation with Kenn Jordan

Watch the full interview with Kenn Jordan

Exploring the Intersection of Web Design and AI with Kenn Jordan

In the fast-paced world of technology, the crossroads of web design and artificial intelligence (AI) is paving the way for innovative possibilities. Kenn Jordan, a pioneer in this domain, recently shared his insights in an in-depth interview on the YouTube channel “Conversation with Tony Mobley”. This blog post delves into the key takeaways from this enlightening discussion.

Harnessing AI in Web Design

Kenn Jordan is a web designer who has wholeheartedly embraced AI as a tool to enhance his work. He believes that AI is revolutionizing the landscape of web design, making it more dynamic and efficient. He also underscores the importance of security in web design, stating that it’s one of the first considerations when building a site.

The Transformation of Photography by AI

Kenn’s passion for photography has also been influenced by AI. He discusses how AI has transformed the field, making it easier to produce high-quality images. He mentions the use of Midjourney, an AI tool that generates images, replacing the need for stock photography.

The Strength of Community

Kenn is an active participant in the Office Hours community, a group of like-minded individuals passionate about technology. He praises the community for its uplifting and supportive nature, stating that it’s a place where everyone respects differing opinions.

The Future Path of Kenn Jordan

When asked about his future plans, Kenn expresses his desire to continue exploring the potential of AI in web design. He plans to share his knowledge through labs and tutorials, helping others leverage AI to improve their websites.

A Plea for Respect and Understanding

In his closing remarks, Kenn emphasizes the importance of respect and understanding in today’s divisive world. He encourages people to listen to differing opinions and be respectful in disagreements.


Kenn Jordan’s insights provide a fascinating glimpse into the future of web design and AI. His passion for technology and commitment to sharing his knowledge make him a valuable voice in this evolving field.

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Tony Mobley